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Most prevalent reasons for the interest you about Glaucoma!

Most prevalent reasons for the interest you about Glaucoma!



Glaucoma - a dangerous and insidious disease, she quietly sneaks. The disease is manifested by increased intraocular pressure (IOP), which leads to the gradual death of nerve cells in the retina and optic nerve. Without treatment, a person can sleep.Na the first stage of a person does not notice vision loss. Later, there is a deterioration, and most importantly - the progressive narrowing of the visual field. Patients with advanced glaucoma, staring straight ahead, not being seen on the sides of objects can not cross the road on their own. According to WHO, in the world of 70-100 million. People are sick of glaucoma. In Russia, the number of cases is approaching 1 million. Man.

The symptoms and treatment of glaucoma

Glaucoma eye - a dangerous condition in which the intraocular pressure is higher than normal and is accompanied by changes in the optic nerve that results in vision loss up to complete irreversible blindness.

The only way to preserve vision in glaucoma - quickly detect it, regularly monitor and treat correctly.

The symptoms and treatment of glaucoma

Sometimes, glaucoma starts with an attack of severe pain in the eye, a sudden sharp deterioration of vision. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. In specialized centers, is usually carried out full treatment of glaucoma eyes and prevent future attacks.

Symptoms of glaucoma - it is frequently blurred vision (the majority - in the morning), iridescent circles when looking at the light, pain around the eyes and head. When you see these signs of an urgent need to go to the ophthalmologist and screened for glaucoma. However, glaucoma often does not manifest itself by any symptoms and people may be a very long time not to notice.

glaucoma Causes

Glaucoma can be caused by:
- Heredity (especially if the disease is, parents);
- Anatomical feature of the eye;
- Cardiovascular diseases;
Glaucoma treatment in the center of Konovalova

Actually, the treatment of glaucoma is to reduce the pressure inside the eye to the norm, and the norm is determined individually. Normalization can be achieved by burying permanent special preparations and using laser or surgical intervention. The choice of treatment, again, is different for each patient.

Ignore the symptoms of glaucoma can not be in no cases. Glaucoma can lead to irreversible and complete loss of vision.

Selective laser trabeculoplasty

The occurrence of glaucoma

In the eyes of every human being constantly produced aqueous humor, which circulates in the anterior chamber and flows away through the drainage system located between the cornea and iris.

In violation of the outflow of intraocular pressure increases the longer it remains in the eye increased, the greater the danger to the optic nerve. Over time, the optic nerve begins to wither away and the person becomes blind. For normal pressure needs a perfect balance between the generation of moisture and its outflow.

Diagnosing glaucoma eye

To work with the patient ophthalmologist should perform certain tests:

- Visual acuity
- Intraocular pressure
- Sight
- Optical coherence tomography of the optic nerves
- Examine the fundus
It happens, and congenital glaucoma, which manifests itself in infancy and occurs quite acute, often resulting in a significant loss of vision.

Symptoms of glaucoma in infants

The main symptoms of glaucoma in infants are:

- photophobia
- tearing
- Swelling of the cornea
- And increased the size of the eyeball

In our clinic, you will receive a full range of diagnostic, screening and treatment of glaucoma, as well as medical check-up in glaucoma adults and children.

The cost of treating glaucoma

Surgical treatment of glaucoma
To see what is included in the cost of the service, move your mouse on a column for a price.
The price of the operation is for one eye.


achene glaucoma folk remedies

Glaucoma Treatment folk remedies can always be combined with the treating physician. Here you will find the most effective traditional methods and methods for treating glaucoma of traditional and alternative medicine. Glaucoma - a large group of eye diseases in which increased intraocular pressure.

Glaucoma treatment should be complex. Therefore, it would be better if together with folk remedies you will treat glaucoma herbs, so you speed up the healing process.

Grass Multiped kicked glaucoma
wood louse
A doctor at one woman discovered glaucoma. Eyes get tired and hurt all the time. The woman could not even watch a movie on TV. The doctor has advised treating glaucoma folk remedies, such as using grass woodlice and do gymnastics.

A woman has collected 8 kg of wood lice, wash it, dry and mince. Then I squeeze the juice through the juicer and strain it through 2 layers of cheesecloth. The result was 6 liters of juice. He added alcohol per 1 liter of juice with 100 ml of alcohol and placed in a refrigerator. Take 50 ml for 20-30 minutes before meals 2 times a day. The juice tastes unpleasant, so she topped up with 100 ml of hot water.

I drank it for two months. Now she can watch TV normally, read and knit.

Duckweed glaucoma
Take duckweed - a grass that grows in the water, such as a pond. Wash and pass through a blender that simply chops it. Then fill it with two hundred grams of vodka and keep it so for four days. Eat three times a day for one tablespoon, drinking a quarter cup of water.

In winter, this medication should be used constantly using raw materials harvested grass in advance. And in the summer you can use fresh duckweed. It is necessary to mix the grass mixed with honey and eat one teaspoon twice a day.

The infusion will help with glaucoma
The infusion of herbs from glaucoma
Take ten grams of coriander, cumin, fennel, anise fruit and pour half a liter of boiling water. Let stand up to 120 minutes, then pass through the mesh. Drink half a cup three times a day. You can still make compresses: batik moistens and apply for ten minutes.

Treatment is difficult, a lot of things you need to, but after it is no longer developing glaucoma.

Treatment of glaucoma herbal

To win like glaucoma as soon as possible, apply medicines prescribed by your doctor, but also, of course, do not ignore the traditional medicine. Narva nettle, best suited the May nettle, as it has the best healing powers. And one tablespoon of chopped nettles, fresh or dry, pour a glass of boiling water. An hour later you can drink - a third cup 3 times a day.

In order to reduce the intraocular pressure, you need to apply special infusions. Mix together one teaspoon of birch leaves, cranberries, plantain, knotweed grass, series, horsetail and nettle, 3 teaspoons of rowan and rosehip fruit, and 2 teaspoons of herb St. John's wort. Take 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour three cups of boiling water in a thermos. Infuse should all night. During the day you need to drink the entire infusion. So drink until recovery.

Also suffering from glaucoma should eat less salt and drink fluids. It is useful to have watermelons, grapes, pumpkins, dill, mountain ash, current, and birch juice drink. Eat pollen.

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Aloe in the treatment of glaucoma
If you have glaucoma, using the following method popular. Take two hundred grams of water, cover with a couple of aloe leaves and boil six minutes. Pass through a mesh. It is also possible to do all of this in another way: diluted with aloe in the proportions of one to ten distilled water or cold water.

After spending two or three courses wash the eyes of these extracts, using circuit 4-5 times a day for two weeks, and then make a 16-day break. When you use this popular method, it is possible, you will have a feeling of mild tingling.

Also, aloe vera can be treated and diseases such as blepharitis and optic nerve atrophy, cataracts at an early stage, purulent inflammation of the eye.

Herbal Treatment of glaucoma
One teaspoon of fennel seeds pour a glass of boiling water, put on the gas and boil for a few minutes. After infuse for an hour and strain. You need to drink a quarter cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. People's glaucoma treatment course lasts about 3 weeks. After the course is repeated after ten days break. Also useful would be to wash the eyes with an infusion of anise. One tablespoon of anise herbs pour a half cup of boiling water, then you need to insist, until cool. Flush eyes are recommended 3-4 times a day.

Other recipes fees herbs can be found in the article herbal treatment of glaucoma.


Glaucoma: symptoms, treatment, and prevention

To date, no single view of the origins of glaucoma. The true cause of the disease remains a mystery, but it is known that the tendency to increase in intraocular pressure is inherited.
Our reference

Glaucoma - a chronic disease characterized by the continuous or periodic increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) associated with the violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid. Against the background of glaucoma in the future may be optic atrophy, reduction and complete loss of vision.

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Depending on the degree of disease severity are 4 stages of glaucoma:

At first, a person retained the normal boundaries of the visual field with a small distortion of peripheral vision.
Symptom glaucoma second or advanced stage - expressed disturbances of peripheral vision and overall narrowing of the field of view.
For the third, advanced stage of glaucoma is characterized by the preservation of a certain segment of the field of view.
The fourth stage of glaucoma is characterized by complete blindness.
Test yourself

There are two main forms of glaucoma: open-and-closure. In addition, there are congenital glaucoma, juvenile (child), various forms of secondary glaucoma, including those associated with abnormalities of the eye.

 The facts and figures: 60% of patients with glaucoma - people over 60 years
Angle-closure glaucoma manifests itself bouts of severe pain, exciting area of ??the eye sockets, forehead, temple, eye redness, decreased vision, photophobia. Sometimes the symptoms can be so sharp that resemble an attack on cerebral circulation or other acute conditions.

Open-form of glaucoma, which accounts for the majority of all cases of the disease among people of European race, "behave" differently, sometimes for years without giving itself felt. It is no coincidence it was called the "silent." The man, in this case, is normal to feel and not to suspect that stands at the point of no return. In 60% of cases of glaucoma is detected in the "advanced" stages. Hence the confusion in the morbidity statistics. It is believed that in this country of 1 million 200 thousand. Glaucoma patients. But, according to experts, there are much more - about 2 million That is almost 800 thousand patients with glaucoma do not even suspect...

Only one way out - as soon as possible to come and go to an ophthalmologist recommended specialist examination. Since the age of 30, it should be done once a year. Then the doctor will be guidelines, which in the case of glaucoma in a patient to help him choose the right tactics of his treatment and understand what the intraocular pressure for the individual is the best.

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Keep in mind

It is believed that the normal intraocular pressure is in the range 10-23 mmHg. Art. But the absence of elevated intraocular pressure does not mean that there is no glaucoma in humans. There is a particular form of the disease - glaucoma, low or normal intraocular pressure, which for a particular patient is critical. The fact is that the sensitivity of optic nerve fibers to the individual pressure.

On a note

Glaucoma can develop at any age. However, it is diagnosed more often in those who crossed the 40-45-year milestone. With age, the percentage of sufferers of this disease is increasing, and it itself for heavier cardiovascular, endocrine diseases (especially - diabetes).

The frequent companion of glaucoma - cataract. This is associated with some similar elements in the development of these diseases. At the "maturation" of cataract formation in the eye of a substance that can block the path of the outflow of intraocular fluid and glaucoma - accumulated metabolic products, which create conditions for the lens opacity.

Even more menacing glaucoma satellite - short-sightedness (myopia). In this case, glaucoma occurs harder and harder to be treated.

 Glaucoma: how to "catch" her time and not be blinded

Many people think that the risk of developing glaucoma is higher in those who suffer from hypertension. In fact, the blood and intraocular pressure are not directly connected. At the heart of glaucoma is a violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid that bathes and nourishes the structure, devoid of blood vessels - the vitreous humor, lens, cornea. In this intraocular pressure increases gradually due to degenerative changes in the eye drainage area.

Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma therapy is usually started with drops that reduce intraocular pressure. When properly selected treatment and ongoing monitoring by a specialist, they can significantly slow the progression of the disease.

In the later stages of glaucoma medication will not last long. Moreover, the intraocular pressure drops occurring between the instillation of drops often themselves are an additional risk factor for worsening of visual functions. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to resort to chirurgies

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About Dr - Lisa Adam

D.R: Lisa AdamMaster and assistant professor in the specialty of eye diseases and a researcher at the Academy of Specialized in eye diseases liked that I join all visitors and friends some of my knowledge humble in my blog glaucoma laser treatment intent to deliver information the greatest possible who suffer this disease.


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