Discover symptoms of glaucoma eye:
glaucoma eye |
1- symptoms of glaucoma eye:2-Diagnosing glaucoma:3-The forms of glaucoma eye:4-Angle-closure glaucoma:5-normotensive glaucoma:
Typically, glaucoma occurs due to an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP). In front of the eye, between the lens and the cornea, there is a small space called the anterior chamber. Clear liquid circulates in it, washing and feeding the surrounding tissue. When the intraocular fluid starts to slow flow away from the anterior chamber and its accumulation causes an increase in intraocular pressure. If not controlled, it can lead to damage to the optic nerve and other structures of the eye, and then - and loss of vision.
symptoms of glaucoma eye:
In the early stages, most cases of open-angle glaucoma are not accompanied by any symptoms and manifestations: normal vision is preserved, there is no pain or other changes in health. Some patients may complain of the temporary appearance of bright circles before the eyes, the phenomena of asthenopia. Since they are not specific for glaucoma symptoms, it may lead to an underestimation of the condition and, as a consequence, delay diagnosis. However, despite the lack of symptoms in the early stages of the disease, irreversible damage may occur to the optic nerve.
If glaucoma remains undetected for a long time, then you may receive the symptoms described below. The main one is the deterioration of peripheral vision. Man sees well in front of him, but the objects placed on the side and the angle can not ignore. Initially, narrowing the field of view is predominantly from the nose, and in the future - may be concentrically cover the peripheral parts up to complete its loss. It is also possible the emergence of translucent or opaque spots in the field of view.
The patient may observe a decrease of dark adaptation, consisting in the deterioration of vision with the rapid transition from the brightly lit room in zat?mn?none, as well as, sometimes, and the emergence of color vision disturbances. In some cases, there is the uncorrectable decrease in visual acuity, that says nothing of the severe, advanced stage of the disease, which is accompanied by the progressive atrophy of the optic nerve fibers.
Read more about the symptoms of glaucoma ...
Diagnosing glaucoma:
The main problem in the diagnosis of glaucoma, especially open is the lack of typical symptoms in the early stages. Many people with this disease are not aware of it. Therefore it is very important, especially in the elderly, subject to regular inspection by an ophthalmologist. There are several methods for diagnosis of glaucoma.
Eye pressure is measured by tonometry. Check intraocular pressure - an important part of the diagnosis of glaucoma. High intraocular pressure - often the first sign of the presence of the disease. In some cases, before the measurement of the eye drops are buried painkillers. With the help of a special device - a tonometer - measured corneal resistance to pressure. The normal intraocular pressure from 10 to 21 mm Hg (P0-true). Nevertheless, individuals with normotensive glaucoma IOP in which less than 21 mm Hg. Art., there may be damage to the optic nerve and visual field loss.
Gonioscopy (examination of the anterior chamber angle) allows you to get a clear idea about the state of the anterior chamber angle to determine the type of glaucoma. In a typical examination, this is difficult to do. Use the mirror lens makes it possible to explore the angle of the anterior chamber and to establish the presence of open (if the angle of the anterior chamber is functioning inefficiently) or closure (if the angle of the anterior chamber at least partially closed) glaucoma or dangerous narrowing of the anterior chamber angle (when the iris is so close to the drainage system eyes that can block it).
The forms of glaucoma eye:
There are several forms of glaucoma. The most common - primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). These forms of glaucoma, as a closure, normotensive, congenital, pigment, and other secondary, are less common.
Primary open-angle glaucoma eye:
Chronic glaucoma, also known as primary open angle glaucoma (POAG), often called the "silent thief of view" because it develops asymptomatically. The pressure increases slowly in the eye, the cornea and is adapted to this without any protrusions. Therefore, most of the disease remains undetected. If there is no pain, the patient usually does not even suspect that is slowly losing vision until the disease will go to a later stage. However, the vision gradually deteriorates, and damage becomes irreversible.
In open-angle glaucoma, there is an imbalance between the production and drainage of a clear fluid (aqueous humor), filtered through the anterior chamber of the eye. This can occur if the ciliary body produces a very large amount of moisture or blocked drainage channels (trabecular meshwork) in the anterior chamber, which causes an increase in intraocular pressure.
The resulting increase in IOP increasing pressure on the optic nerve fibers that transmit visual images of the brain. This leads to a deterioration of the blood supply, depriving tissues of oxygen and nutrients. After some time, high blood pressure leads to irreversible damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision.
However, more than 2/3 of patients with elevated intraocular pressure (more than 21 mm Hg. Art.) Is not the marked loss of visual fields or the expansion and deepening of the excavation of the optic nerve. This condition is called ocular hypertension.
Angle-closure glaucoma:
In front of a healthy eye fluid (aqueous humor) is formed and flows away from it, creating a pressure sufficient to maintain the correct shape of the eye without damaging it. That is, the number of new intraocular fluid that is constantly formed in the eye is balanced by the amount that is as constantly flows away from it after a certain place called "angle of the anterior chamber."
This name comes from the fact that in this place the iris is directly adjacent to the cornea. In fact, the implementation of the drainage function of the eye is possible at an angle of at least 30 degrees. If the angle is blocked, fluid will continue to be produced at a normal rate, but will not flow away from the eye, due to which the pressure reaches dangerous values. This is the mechanism of development of one of the types of glaucoma, known as the closure (narrow-angle) glaucoma.
At an angle of 15 degrees is very small anterior chamber between the iris and cornea and a small space between the iris and Schlemm's canal.
Congenital glaucoma:
Pediatric glaucoma - a rare eye disease, which is one of the major causes of blindness in children. The appearance of it is due to an abnormal increase in intraocular pressure.
Glaucoma, which is manifested immediately after birth or in the first year of a child's life is called infantile. At a later manifestation of glaucoma, it is called the nursery.
Primary congenital glaucoma is the result of abnormal development of the drainage system of the eye. It occurs in about 1 in 10,000 newborns and is the most common form of glaucoma in children. Secondary glaucoma occurs due to disturbances in the body or in the eye, it can be genetically determined or acquired. Both types can be combined with other diseases.
normotensive glaucoma:
Normotensive glaucoma (NTG), also known as low pressure or glaucoma, normal pressure glaucoma - form of glaucoma, the optic nerve when damage occurs in intraocular pressure not exceeding normal values. The angle of the anterior chamber is open in this condition, as in the most common case of open-angle glaucoma. Indicators of intraocular pressure are in the normal range - 10-21 mm Hg. Art. (True IOP). The average age of patients with normotensive glaucoma - 60 years.
Causes of normotensive glaucoma are still not known. Possibly, some patients there is a genetic predisposition to damage to the optic nerve even in the normal eye pressure. The important role played by vascular factors such as vasospasm and ischemia. Scientists continue research to find out the reasons for this.
More than others are at risk of developing glaucoma:
• have a family history of glaucoma, normal pressure;• descendants of immigrants from Japan and Korea;• women as compared with men;• suffering from systemic heart disease, such as for example heart rhythm disturbances.
Rare types of glaucoma:
The most common type of glaucoma - otkratougolnaya. Less common are its views as closure and normotensive glaucoma. Even rarer, but, nevertheless, pose a serious threat to vision and other types of the disease, which we will discuss in this article.
pigmentary glaucoma:
Pigmentary glaucoma - a type of open-angle glaucoma, inheritable, which develops most often in men than in women. Most often the development of the disease begins in the 20-30 years old, which makes it especially dangerous for normal vision. Usually, this type of glaucoma occurs in patients with myopia. Anatomic features of the eye of the patient play a key role in the development of this pathology. The reason is that the myopic (nearsighted) eye iris has a concave shape which forms the extremely wide angle. Vale
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