Discover what is glaucoma means when you are 40 years old!
what is glaucoma |
Article Content:
- Salad called prevention of glaucoma
- Glaucoma cured contact lenses
- glaucoma Causes
- Glaucoma usually develops after 40 years. By the development of glaucoma predispose diabetes and atherosclerosis. Established as a genetic predisposition to glaucoma.
Glaucoma is a progressive and imperceptibly slow degeneration of the optic nerve, usually associated with a chronic increase in intraocular pressure.
Due to the balance of inflow and outflow of fluid a healthy eye has a permanent intraocular pressure. In glaucoma, the fluid circulation in the eye broken, it accumulates, and the intraocular pressure begins to rise. At the same time, it suffers from the blood supply and innervation of the eye. In the beginning, people just beginning to see worse, then disrupted peripheral vision, limited visibility in the area and eventually blindness can occur. And these changes are irreversible, so it is an important to time to begin treatment of glaucoma. It is also possible glaucoma with an almost normal intraocular pressure. Most often in these cases, the pressure is held in the area of ??the upper limit of normal, but the blood flow in the optic nerve has deteriorated sharply and its functions are broken.
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glaucoma Causes
Glaucoma usually develops after 40 years. By the development of glaucoma predispose diabetes and atherosclerosis. Established as a genetic predisposition to glaucoma.
symptoms of glaucoma
Unfortunately, there is a dangerous form of glaucoma that takes place almost imperceptibly and painlessly. The process of vision loss can be a long and last for several years. And the patient says that vision is something wrong when he was almost blind. This format early stages can be diagnosed only when ophthalmologic examination.Other forms are usually accompanied by pain and obvious visual impairment, such as periodic blurred vision, the appearance of halos around lights, and pain in the temporal region of the brow. It is in this form of the disease is the possible acute attack - a sharp increase in pressure in the eye. The attack may be accompanied by nausea and a general deterioration. Help, in this case, should be provided in the next few days, otherwise, blindness may occur.
In advanced cases of glaucoma leads to blindness.
What you can do
The sooner a person seeks medical help, the treatment of glaucoma will be more successful. In addition, treatment success depends on the performance of pedantry in the doctor's recommendations. For example, if you have to leave home for a long time, do not forget to take the necessary eye drops.
Current glaucoma depends on your lifestyle. Avoid physical and nervous overload. Limiting the severity of which is allowed to raise - 10 kg. Avoid darkness as dark eye pupils dilate, which in turn contributes to the intraocular pressure. The diet should include plant foods generally, it is desirable to limit the consumption of meat, fatty foods. Strong tea and coffee, spicy seasonings, spices, pickles are also not recommended. But dairy dishes, especially fresh yogurt, vegetables, wholemeal bread, cabbage, prunes are very useful. The volume of fluid, drink a day, should not exceed 5-6 glasses If you are a smoker, you should quit smoking as soon as possible.
Treatment Abroad
Objective rating of hospitals
What can a doctor
The goal of treatment is to reduce intraocular pressure and to bring it to normal. Sometimes it is possible to achieve with the help of medical treatment, but there are times when it is necessary and surgery. If time does not begin treatment of the disease, it may be blind, so at the slightest suspicion is necessary to consult a doctor-ophthalmologist. All existing therapies with timely and proper use give satisfactory results, and provide patients with preservation of visual function for years and decades, though not relieve glaucoma.
After 40 years, each person must undergo preventive examination by an ophthalmologist at least 1-2 times a year. This is especially important for patients with hyperopia, family history for glaucoma after eye operations.
While there are no methods that can prevent the occurrence of glaucoma, but turned in time to a specialist, you can greatly facilitate the treatment of the disease.
The term "glaucoma" ( - blue eyes clouding) occurs as early as 400 BC in the works of Hippocrates. However, current ideas about the disease began to take shape only in the Middle Ages.
Today, the term "glaucoma" brings together a large enough group of eye diseases of different origin and flow. Oddly enough, but still there is no consensus on the causes of the disease. However, in the absence of treatment, the result of these, as it seems at first glance, very different diseases, one - complete atrophy of the optic nerve and subsequent blindness.
Glaucoma can develop at any age, although most often this disease affects the elderly. According to WHO, glaucoma - the main causes of blindness in the absence of timely correct treatment. It is from this disease for more than five million people has completely lost vision, representing approximately 13.5% of all blind.
The causes of the disease
For healthy eyes a certain characteristic, constantly maintained pressure (18-22 mm Hg. Art.), Which remains virtually unchanged, which helps balance the inflow and outflow of aqueous humor. Developing, glaucoma violates the circulation of the liquid, which is without the possibility of outflow, and accumulates inside the intraocular pressure begins to grow steadily.
Under the influence of the enormous loads disturbed blood supply to the optic nerve. As a result, it atrophy, whereupon visual signals can no longer flow to the brain. The man begins to see weaker impaired peripheral vision (limited visibility zone). The result - blindness.
symptoms of glaucoma
As a rule, people with glaucoma may feel:
• blurred vision,
• the feeling of heaviness in the eyes,
• pain, stinging, burning,
• narrowing of the field of view.
Moreover, visual acuity significantly falls at dusk and at night. Looking at the bright light, the patient feels like before the eyes appear "bright circles" (more typical for an acute condition).
Devices for the eyes
In addition to medical treatment, ophthalmologists and doctors often recommend physical therapy techniques. This improves the metabolism in the tissue of the eyeball, the outflow of intraocular fluid that leads to the stabilization and normalization of pressure. An example of such a device that the patient can use at home, is a Glasses Sidorenko. The effectiveness of this device is provided with complex effects on the eye and surrounding tissue - infrasound, phonophoresis, Pneumomassage and color burst. This allows to use it not only for glaucoma, and cataract, myopia, hyperopia (including age) and other eye diseases, which are also often present in patients with glaucoma eye.
The forms of the disease
Today, experts distinguish the following clinical forms of the disease:
1. Open-angle glaucoma.
2. Angle-closure glaucoma.
According to statistics, more than 90% of all cases of this disease - open-angle glaucoma. In this form of the disease, the natural drainage system of the eye loses its physiological function so that the intraocular pressure begins to rise gradually. Often, open-angle glaucoma is characterized by an asymptomatic form and almost imperceptible course of the disease. Since the restriction of the visual field is very slow (the process may take several years), the patient is sometimes completely accidentally discovers that he sees with only one eye. In some cases, though, you can hear the complaints of patients periodically manifested "iridescent circles" when you look at a bright light, "blurred" and asthenopic complaints related to the weakening accommodation.
In angle-closure glaucoma, intraocular fluid can build up due to lack of access to the anatomical drainage system, as the iris closes the anterior chamber angle. As a result - increase in intraocular pressure that may provoke an acute attack of glaucoma, which manifests itself:
• Sudden pain in the eye, propagating in the head with the respective parties;
• Cutting visual disturbances (blurred, a sudden drop of up to blindness);
• Progressive reddening of the eye, corneal edema, with a decrease in the depth of the anterior chamber, pupil dilation, and the absence of reaction to light;
• The appearance of halos around bright light sources.
Diagnosing glaucoma eye
To identify the onset of the disease normal intraocular pressure measurements is usually sufficient. There is a need for a detailed study of the fundus and optic disc. In addition, it is recommended to carry out the thorough audit of the field of view of the patient, which involves the large-scale diagnostic examination.
Typically, ophthalmic clinics examination is performed using the whole complex kompyutezirovannogo equipment comprising:
• patient study field of view (computer perimeter);
• Measurement of refraction (the ability of the eye to the optical refraction of light rays);
• measurable
Treatment of glaucoma eye
Depending on the stage, the shape and the presence of concomitant diseases, ophthalmologist selects the individual program of treatment of glaucoma.
Medications (eye drops), while only aimed at reducing the intraocular pressure. these drugs represented enough and they all have different effects (Betoptic, Xalatan, Fossil etc.). For more information on eye drops are used to treat the disease can be found in the section "Drop in glaucoma."
Vitamins for vision
Numerous studies have a positive effect of vitamin and mineral supplements have been proven to view in this disease. Application of lutein-containing preparations, in addition to the basic treatment, allows achieving greater efficacy in treating the patient and preserve vision. Examples of such agents include Forte Lutein, Lutein Complex and others.
And applying droplets often inadequate physical therapy to normalize the pressure and stop the loss of the process.
Therefore, if the patient is offered (NDSE), you must take it seriously. Penetrating deep sclerotic ectomy (NDSE) - surgery, allowing to restore the natural balance of fluids in open eyes form of glaucoma.
Closed-form is treated as a traditional operation and the method of removing the transparent lens, followed by implantation of intraocular lens (the lens if the value does not match the size of the eye).
For more information about the surgical treatment of glaucoma you can read in the section "Operation glaucoma."
It is worth remembering that delaying treatment, you run the risk of eye health. After all, late detection of the disease and improper treatment can lead to complete blindness!
Glaucoma due to incorrect treatment can lead to complete blindness, so the choice of medical institution plays an imp
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